Citing one passage on this subject falls so very short, but let's work with Matthew 22 for today.
"37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
The "great" and the "first" commandment says for us to behold Jesus! Jesus, the Lord, our God. Behold Him, first.
Then, after we behold Jesus, then we go love others, second only to that. We go love others more than ourselves.
Behold Jesus, then love others selflessly.
Simple, yes, complex, you bet!
As I write this I am literally asking our Lord God to teach me yet again. When I first behold Jesus, dwelling much with Him in pre-dawn awe, I can't help but love others better. Know what I mean? Aren't we better, nicer, kinder, gentler, more selfless; quick to care, to help, to listen, when we have been with Jesus first?
You see, as other parts of the Bible tells us very clearly, first we must behold Jesus, and then, out of adoration, praise and worship, and a profound sense of gratitude, we will say no to worldly pressures & pleasures, and say a hearty yes to things of God.
Love the Lord, our God, Jesus, with all we have, and then go and love others, in His Name, by His power, for His glory, and for their good, and for our good too.
I like it. How about you?
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